Student's Ahievements
Placement & Internships

The talented students of the GLC churu have brought laurels and acclaim to their alma mater by winning prestigious National and International Moot Court Competitions.

Students of GLC churu have, with their hard work, sound legal knowledge and eagerness to grow, attained some of the best placements in India and abroad.

The Library caters to the information needs of students and faculty members.

Hon'ble Chief Minister
Sh Bhajan Lal Sharma
Deputy Chief Minister Higher and Technical Education Minister
Dr Premchand Bairwa
Secretary Higher and Technical Education
Dr Arushi Ajey Malik
Commissioner College Education
Dr Om Prakash Bairwa

From The Desk

परिवर्तन प्रकृति का नियम है प्रगति का अगला कदम तभी बढ़ता है जब पिछला कदम आधार का काम करता है । वर्तमान राजकीय विधि महाविद्यालय का अतीत राजस्थान की गौरवशाली परम्परा की धरोहर शेखावाटी अंचल में अवस्थित चूरू जिले के स्नातकोत्तर लोहिया महाविद्यालय में सन 1979 से विधि संकाय के रूप में दैदीप्यमान हुआ ।

..More From Principal Desk


Govt. Law College, churu was starting as a faculty of law in Lohia College, churu in nov.1979. In 2005 according to the norms of the bar council of India, The state govt. taken decision to separate the law faculty from parental colleges in the entire state and in churu also. The said law faculty was separated from Lohia College and it comes in a form of separate Govt. Law College, churu in 2005.
After the college comes in independent existence one more section granted of 60 students by state govt.
The college forms its mahavidhalya vikash Semite in 2006. Under vikash Semite the college start post graduation course (LL.M.) in 2006. In 1st year university grants 20 admissions in the 1 st  .In 2007 university permits to admit on 20 more seats. The vikash Semite also start 1 section of LL.B. 1 st  year of 60 seats.
